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Count Dracula the main protagonist of the Hotel Transylvania franchise.
He is the retired owner of Hotel Transylvania and the father of his 134-year old daughter Mavis, father-in-law of Johnny, maternal grandfather of Dennis, son of Vlad Dracula and fiancée/future husband of Ericka Van Helsing.
Count Dracula was born to an unknown mother and his father, Vlad. Vlad was very rough and strict on Dracula when he was growing up. Dracula was a late-fanger growing up, so Vlad used fear and other cruel methods to scare the fangs out of Dracula. Vlad also made Dracula grow up to hate humans. As Dracula grew up and moved away, he slowly stopped contacting and communicating with his father all together.
Sometime in the 19th century while flying in the night as a bat, Dracula crashed into another bat, and they both fell to the ground. The bat Dracula knocked into turned out to be another vampire named Martha.
Dracula and Martha instantly felt something for each other and soon became inseparable. They began to date, and soon became married. In the late 19th century (in the movie it said 1895) they had a child, a baby girl they named, Mavis. Shortly after Mavis was born however, a group of angry humans stormed Dracula's home, intending to kill him and his family for being vampires. The humans set fire to Dracula's home and killed his wife, Martha. Fortunately, Dracula was able to escape the place with Mavis.
Dracula began to live alone somewhere else with Mavis, and began to raise her on his own. He, like his father, taught Mavis to be afraid and hate humans.
Dracula is very charismatic and funny to his guests and others around him and although he can be over-controlling of what goes on in the hotel and overprotective of his daughter, Mavis. However despite his flaws Dracula still cares deeply about his friends and family and only does what he believes his best for them and it's revealed that he's a talented singer and rapper at the end of the first film. His over-controlling personality makes him an ideal hotel manager. Unlike his conventional portray, he only drinks substituted or synthetic blood since he states modern human blood is too fat for his taste.
Physical appearance[]
Dracula has pale skin, blue eyes, pointy ears, pointy teeth and short black hair that is slicked back on his head. He also has quite a long face. He wears a black tuxedo with a black cape and the inside of his cape is fuchsia-purple along with black dress shoes.
Powers and Abilities[]
Hotel Transylvania[]
Wanting to keep Mavis safe, Dracula began the construction of a large castle where he intended to live there with his daughter. After the hotel was finished being built, Dracula took Mavis to live there where he intended to have her live there for the rest of her life. He opened up the castle as a Hotel for all monsters to be safe from humankind.
Years later, Dracula and Mavis are still living at the hotel. Dracula starts to prepare the Hotel for Mavis' 118th birthday. Dracula goes to greet Mavis in her room where he tells her that she can leave the hotel, and visit some humans. Mavis overcome with joy transforms into a bat and flies out the window to the nearest village. Dracula quickly rushes to the village to ensure his plan goes well. He enlists the help of some of the zombies working at the hotel to dress up as humans to pretend to be the townsfolk at the fake village Mavis is going to see. Dracula instructs the zombies to act ruthless to Mavis, pretending they want to kill her. After Mavis arrives he watches with satisfaction as Mavis is scared by the humans and flies away back to the hotel. Dracula smiles, knowing that this is what's best for Mavis. Now Mavis will remain safe at the hotel forever. Dracula quickly flies back to the hotel to comfort Mavis.
After successfully scaring his daughter Mavis away from the humans, Dracula walks down into the front lobby of the hotel to greet all the monsters. As he is walking Dracula notices some odd shape moving through the revolving door at the front. As the figure comes through the door Dracula realizes it is a human.
Horrified, Dracula quickly rushes to trap the human in the revolving door, demanding to know who he is and how he found this place. The human introduces himself as Jonathan, and tells Dracula that he was mountain climbing and heard a story about an ancient castle. Out of curiosity Johnny travelled in search of the hotel. Dracula tries to push Johnny out of the hotel, but sees the oncoming monsters preparing to enter the hotel. He quickly takes Johnny and throws him inside a closet with him. Dracula debates if he should kill him, but decides not to, as it would set monsters back hundreds of years. Dracula quickly comes up with the idea to dress Johnny up as a Frankenstein monster to sneak him out of the hotel, the plan starts to work however, Johnny finally realizing that all the monsters are real, panics and launches himself onto a witches broom, Johnny is sent flying through the air and ultimately crashes into Mavis. Dracula quickly rushes to see if Mavis is alright. After Mavis confirms that she is ok Dracula quickly takes Johnny away before she can discover that Johnny is a human.
Dracula takes Johnny to a room in the hotel where he explains to him that he isn't going to kill him. Having calmed down, Johnny asks what this place is. Dracula explains to Johnny that the hotel is a place he built to keep all monsters safe from the persecution of humankind. Dracula then attempts to fly Johnny out of the window by picking him up as a bat. However, Mavis flies into the room too, and catches Dracula in the act. Dracula quickly takes Johnny back inside where he instructs Johnny to play along, and keep his human identity a secret or else. Mavis and Johnny begin to chat, but before Johnny and Mavis can talk anymore Dracula rushes Johnny into the hotel's secret tunnel where he tries to sneak him out. However, Dracula forgets the way and ends up back inside the hotel. Dracula and Johnny find themselves inside a room inside the hotel where Frank, Griffin, Wayne and Murray are preparing their song they've been working on for Mavis' birthday. Frank and the group try to convince Dracula to sing with them. Dracula tells them that he hasn't sang since Martha's death. They try to push Dracula some more to make him sing, but Dracula explodes with anger, "I said NO! Don't ask me again!" he said.
Dracula spends the rest of the day trying to keep Johnny's humanity a secret from the other monsters. At the pool Dracula tries to convince Johnny to leave on his own, but Johnny ends up starting a "Chicken Fight" with all the other pool guests, and Mavis. Fed up, Dracula finally kicks Johnny out the hotel. He tries to hypnotize Johnny into never returning, but Johnny's contact lenses prevent him from doing so. He instead tells Johnny that if he returns he would kill him. Dracula then tries to relax with his best friends, Frank, Murray, Wayne, and Griffin in the hotel sauna. However, shortly after Johnny crashes through the roof and falls down onto Drac. Seeing that he can't get rid of Johnny, Dracula instead instructs Johnny to help set up tables for Mavis' 118th birthday party. Johnny however starts to prank Dracula by sending the magic tables flying through the air with magic phrases after watching Dracula say them. Dracula and Johnny begin to chase each other on the tables, when Dracula realizes that he is having fun. The two crash, and Dracula jumps up with excitement. He goes over to where he thinks Johnny is, but sees that he is missing. He notices muddy foot tracks and instantly figures out it was the hotel's chef, Quasimodo who kidnapped Johnny. Dracula takes off at top speed down the halls to find Johnny.
Dracula finds Quasimodo in the kitchen trying to cook Johnny. Dracula frees Johnny from the ropes he is tied in and attempts to leave. However, Quasimodo stops Dracula questioning him as to why he is helping a human. Dracula barks back that Johnny is not a human, and that he is a stein. Quasimodo then decides to have Johnny scare his pet rat, Esmeralda if he really is a monster. After Johnny is unable to scare Esmeralda Quasimodo screams in anger that Dracula has brought a human into the hotel. Dracula uses his powers to freeze Quasimodo and quickly takes Johnny away.
Johnny thanks Dracula for saving his life, as Dracula guides him to a secret room. Once inside Johnny notices a painting. He tells Dracula that he remembers seeing that painting when he was told the legend of the Lady Lubov. The legend goes that a lonely count met the love of his life. The two were inseparable. The story goes on to say the two settled down with each other, and later had a child. However, tragedy struck when a mysterious fire broke out and killed the two.
Dracula continues to listen to Johnny, but tells him that the legend is wrong. It was only the wife who died. Dracula pulls down the curtain covering up part of the painting, revealing that it was Dracula who was the lonely count in the story. Dracula turns to Johnny and tells him that it was no accident who killed her. "She was killed by your kind!" Dracula says to Johnny. Dracula explains that he built the hotel to protect her child. To protect Mavis. Johnny, finally understands, and agrees to leave the hotel. Dracula stops Johnny. He tells Johnny that Mavis has feelings for him, and that he should stay for her birthday. Johnny agrees, apologizing to Drac, never intending to hurt Mavis. Dracula escorts Johnny out of the room, so they can prepare for Mavis' birthday tomorrow.
The following day, the entire hotel begins to prepare for Mavis' party. Dracula finishes the final preparations with Johnny, and leaves Mavis her present from Martha. Martha made Mavis a special present, intending for her to open it on her 118th birthday. The party begins, and all the monsters of the hotel come to attend. Dracula oversees the party, proud that it is a success. Dracula begins to let loose and starts to dance as well. However, Dracula watches in horror as Mavis kisses Johnny. Dracula instantly rushes over to them, outraged at Johnny for kissing his daughter. Mavis tries to explain to Dracula that it was only a kiss, but Dracula yells at her telling her that she shouldn't kiss him. Mavis yells back at her father that she's allowed to like people and try different things. She tells Dracula that she even wants to give the human village a second chance, and that maybe she can try to be friends with them. Dracula yells back telling Mavis that's impossible and that the village doesn't really exist.
Mavis becomes furious, and yells at Dracula for lying to her and keeping her trapped inside the hotel when he knew she wanted to leave. Just then, a frozen Quasimodo enters the room attempting to speak. He tells everyone that Johnny is really a human. Esmeralda enters the room too, and tears off Johnny's disguise. The room erupts into panic upon seeing that Johnny is a human. But Mavis doesn't care if Johnny is a human and hugs him, accepting him as a human. Johnny notices Dracula looking at him, and decides to reject Mavis in fear and respect for Dracula. As Johnny leaves, Dracula attempts to comfort Mavis, but Mavis turns to Dracula saying that this is all his fault and she flew away in anger. Dracula looks up and watches Mavis fly away as all the monsters walk out the room, giving Dracula dirty looks (mainly Wayne gives him a dirty look).
Dracula flies around the hotel looking for Mavis. He finally finds her on the hotel roof crying. He tries to comfort her, but Mavis continues to cry. Mavis shows Dracula the gift Martha gave her. Dracula opens it up as he realizes it's a poem Martha wrote about how she and Dracula met. Dracula begins to read: "Two lonely bats crashed in the night they felt a "Zing" love at first sight. They knew right then they would be husband and wife, for a Zing only happens once in your life. Your Zing will come my love, cherish it. Love, Mommy." Mavis explains to Dracula that she thought she and Johnny zinged. Mavis feeling heartbroken transforms into a bat and flies back to her room. Dracula begins to realize the horrible mistake he's made. "Martha, what have I done?" he says.
Dracula rushes to the hotel's front desk where all the monsters are trying to check out. All the monsters feel outraged at Dracula for lying to them, and bringing a human into the hotel. Dracula apologizes to them all, and tells them that he isn't even sure if humans are bad anymore. He then tells them that he thinks Johnny and Mavis "Zinged", but he got in the way. The monsters listen to Dracula and all agree to help him find Johnny, and bring him back to Mavis. Frank, Murray, Wayne and Griffin all join Dracula as they rush out of the hotel into a hearse, and drive away. Dracula follows Johnny's trail, but the trail soon comes to an end. They all get out of the hearse and notice Johnny dropped a piece of clothing. Dracula instructs Wayne to sniff the shirt to track Johnny scent. Wayne tells Dracula that his nose is shot after changing so many werepup's diapers, but gets an idea and calls out to all his kids. The werewolf kids all rush to their father, but fail to listen to him. Dracula turns to Wayne and asks if any of his kids still respect him. Wayne listens to Drac's sarcastic comment and calls out to his daughter, Winnie. Winnie smells the shirt and tells the group that Johnny left through town and boarded an airplane. Dracula thanks Winnie and takes off once again in the hearse towards the town.
Dracula and the group arrive at the town where they are greeted by the humans having a monster festival. Dracula tries to drive through town to the airport, but the path is blocked by humans. Dracula and the group exit the hearse and begin to walk on foot. Murray gets an idea that they should scare the humans into making way for them. They try to scare them, but the humans instead show support for the group. The humans agree to help Dracula by all lifting up their capes from their vampire costumes for Dracula so he can be shielded from the sunlight. Dracula thanks them, and takes off under the capes toward the airport.
Dracula arrives at the airport just as Johnny's plane takes off. With no other choice, Dracula transforms into a bat and begins to chase the plane down himself. Dracula begins to burn up in the sunlight, but carries on anyway. He arrives at the front of the plane and hypnotizes the pilot so he can talk to Johnny. Dracula explains to Johnny that he was wrong to get in the way of him, and Mavis and that if she should be with anybody he is thankful that it is him. Johnny smiles and agrees to return to the hotel.
Dracula returns to the hotel with Johnny, and brings him to Mavis. He watches as the two of them make up. Dracula explains to Mavis that he wants her to live her life now, and gives her his blessing for her to be with Johnny. Dracula watches as Johnny and Mavis finally have a proper kiss. Dracula and the group spend the rest of Mavis' birthday celebrating by dancing, and singing a song about zing.
Hotel Transylvania 2[]
Mavis and Johnny's wedding kicks off with Johnny's family attending the wedding at the hotel.
Dracula greats wedding guests to Mavis' and Johnnys wedding. Mavis is wearing an elegant black dress with spider webs on the collar. Dracula poses for wedding photos with Mavis and Johnny's family, Dracula is is seen sitting with Mavis and Johnny at a table watching and listening to Marty as he gives Mavis and Johnny his blessing. Dracula dances with Mavis on the ceiling, as they are dancing Mavis asks Dracula why her grandpa Vlad didn't come. Dracula explains to her that Vlad would not have been okay with her marrying a human, and that he isn't as enlightened as he is. Mavis tries to say if only Vlad could meet Johnny, but Dracula assures her that it would have not worked out, and it's best that they never meet. Mavis finally asks her father if he himself is okay with her marrying a human. Dracula smiles and assures her that as long as she is happy it doesn't matter who or what she marries. The wedding ends with Dracula singing a song to Mavis and Johnny and officially giving his blessing to them.
One year later after Mavis and Johnny are married Dracula is in his room panting a monster named Todd when Mavis and Johnny walk into the room, Dracula tells Todd to take a break and puts the paint supplies and easel away and greets.
Johnny brings up that Mavis would like to fly with him. Dracula agrees and quickly jumps off the balcony with Mavis transforming into bats. Mavis and Drac begin to fly around together and start playing a game of hide-and-seek in the clouds. Dracula quickly finds Mavis out of breath resting on a cloud. He asks her if she's okay and she says yes and that it is harder for her to catch here breath because she's pregnant. Dracula becomes overcome with joy as he flies straight upward and announces to the night that he is going to be a grandpa. After Dracula finds out hes going to be a grandpa Mavis is bedridden for the rest of her pregnancy while having Johnny and Drac take care of her. Dracula spends most of his time trying to counter Mavis' food cravings by having her eat certain monster foods in preperation for his expected vampire baby grandson. Mavis insists that it's possible that the baby will be human but Dracula is confident that with thousands of years of Dracula genes that a human baby is not possible. Drac gives Mavis a bowl of monster ball soup which is a recipe from her mother, Mavis happily takes the bowl of soup and thanks her dad for it. Mavis then starts to cry, due to her mood swings from her pregnancy which causes Drac and Johnny to share a confused look at each other.
Dracula spends the following months in eager anticiapation for the baby by crossing off the days on his calander leading up to the big moment. Mavis gives birth to a baby boy which Mavis and Johnny name Dennis. Dracula disguises himself as a human nurse after being not allowed in the delivery room to watch Mavis give birth to his grandson because the doctor told Drac only the father is allowed in the delivery room. Dracula grabs Dennis and dances around with him in joy. Dracula embraces Dennis and tells him he will never let anything happen to him much like he once told Mavis when she was born.
One year later Dracula, Mavis, Johnny, their friends and Johnny's parents come together to celebrate Dennis' first birthday at the hotel. Everyone gathers around as they begin to open presents for Dennis. Murray gives Dennis a Medallion from the desert, but when Murray puts it on Dennis falls over from the weight of it and starts to cry. Drac comforts Dennis reassuring him that he's okay while calling him by his vampire name Denisovich. Johnny's father Mike walks over to Drac and tells argues that his name is Dennis named after his father. Dracula disagrees and ends the conversation. Johnny's mother Linda now comes over to Drac and questions whether Dennis really is a vampire because of his lack of vampire traits. Dracula's friend Wayne tells Linda that campires technically have until their fifth birthday to grow in their vampire fangs. Dracula reassures everyone that he will get his fangs. He is a Dracula afterall he announces. Afterwards Frank and his wife Eunice come over to give their present to Dennis. A toy guillotine. Mavis thanks Frank and Eunice for giving it to them however she says they have to baby proof the it to protect Dennis. Mavis walks away with Johnny to help baby proof the toy while Dracula jokes that she is being over protective.
Later as Dennis comes into two years of age one night Dracula and Johnny hear Mavis shouting. Drac and Johnny quickly run to Dennis' room thinking there's a problem. Drac bursts through the door and asks Mavis if Dennis is okay, Mavis turns around and says Dennis said his first word with a smile on her face. Dracula's panic quickly turns to joy as he and Johnny enter the room. Mavis gestures to Drac to speak, Dracula leans in as Dennis mimics his famous "Bleh, Bleh, Bleh." line. Dracula's joy turns to annoyance as he once again assures them that he never says that. Johnny and Mavis continue to play with Dennis as Dracula leaves. Dracula quickly returns catching Mavis in the act of teaching Dennis what to say. "It was you!" he shouted while Mavis gives a playful guilty look.
As Dracula's concerns for Dennis not being a vampire worsen Mavis decides it might be best to leave the hotel and move to Johnny's hometown in California to raise Dennis in a safer place. Seeing this as his last chance Dracula comes up with a plan to distract Mavis with a vacation away from the hotel while he works on training Dennis into being a monster. Dracula convinces Mavis to go to California with Johnny while he takes care of Dennis. Mavis although worried at first agrees and leaves for California with Johnny. The next night, While Mavis and Johnny are in California visiting Johnny's parents Dracula, Wayne, Griffin, Frankenstein, Murray, and Blobby leave the hotel on a hearse to various locations to show Dennis how to be a monster. They arrive at the Dark Forest which has since then been turned into a human friendly park. Dracula instructs Dennis to put his har back to make it look like his, and tells Dennis that he's going to see how every monster does their special way of scaring humans. Frankenstein tried to scare two female joggers, but instead they were happy to see Frank and instead wanted to take a photo with him. Dracula now annoyed tells Dennis to mimic what Frank did an scare the next group of joggers. Dennis jumps out and yells "Boo", but the joggers simply admire Dennis and him being adorable while running off. Dracula sees that this plan has failed and moves onto the next step.
The crew travel deeper into the forest to begin the next phase of their training. Dracula spots a deer and instructs Wayne to kill it to inspire Dennis to do the same. Wayne is reluctant at first but eventually obeys Drac. Wayne aproaches the deer but quickly forgets to how to be a werewolf and insteads says "Growl" to it. Growing impatient Drac turns to Murray and tells him it's his turn. Drac tells Murray to summon a sandstorm to impress Dennis. Murray although hesitant agrees to do it despite it being so long since he's summoned anything. Murray does his spell, however he just ends up throwing out his back instead, and summons a small amount of sand, which Dennis makes a snowman out of. Dracula fears at this point that he is running out of time and quickly takes the crew back to hearse to travel to their final destination. Dracula takes Dennis to his childhood Summer Camp, Camp Winnepacaca to teach him the ways of the Vampire. He tells Dennis all the great activities he used to do and how he learned to shape-shift, catch mice, use his incredible power, and strength and turn into a bat. When Dracula and the others take Dennis to Camp Winnepacaca they find out that it is under new management and Dracula is not pleased with all the changes done to his childhood summer camp. Like how and where they catch the mice what they now they call tee mouse unlike centuries ago where the vampires used to hunt and catch the mice, now the campers just grab the mouse off the tee, that makes Dracula angry. Dracula meets the new camp instructor Dana as he takes them through the night doing safe activies and singing campfire songs. Dracula finally having enough abandons the campfire with Dennis to show him the old camp tower where vampires used to jump off to learn to transform into bats. The rest of the crew realize Drac has left and quickly follow him and Dennis close behind. The crew climb the tower where Dracula begins to toss Dennis off. Frank pleads with Dracula that this is a bad idea, however Drac ignores him insisting Dennis needs to learn to fly. Dracula throws Dennis off the tower only realizing shortly after that it was a mistake. Dracula jumps down after Dennis and safely grabs him before he hits the bottom. Dennis is excited from the fall and asks Drac if they could do it again. Drac hugs Dennis happy that he is safe. Dana and the rest of the camp kids run over to the tower to see what was going on. Dana is furious and insists that he will need to inform Dennis' mother about this, Drac attempts to hypnotize Dana into forgetting what he say, however because Dana is also a vampire the trick doesn't work. In the chaos of everything Mavis calls Dracula on his phone demanding to know where he is and where Dennis is. Dracula tries to convince her that they are at the hotel but Mavis is not fooled. Dracula hangs up and quickly takes the crew back to the hotel. After a series of obstacles Drac, Dennis, and the others arrive at the hotel right as Mavis and Johnny return. Mavis however already knows about what Dracula has been doing after seeing a Youtube video of Dracula throwing Dennis off the tower filmed by one of the camp kids. Mavis takes Dennis back angrily, tell Drac that she doesn't even feel safe having Dennis around him anymore. Dracula lowers his head in sadness as Mavis, Johnny, and Dennis walk away.
Hotel Transylvania: The Series[]
The prequel series, which had debuted in 2017, takes place before the first film.
Coming soon!
Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation[]
Coming soon!
Monster Pets[]
Coming soon!
Hotel Transylvania: Transformania[]
Coming soon!
External links[]