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Sam c2
Sam Sparks
Background information
Feature films Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
Short films Super Manny
Steve's First Bath
Television programs
Video games
Portrayed by
Portrayed by
Voice Anna Faris (films)
Anndi McAfee (video game)
Katie Griffin (TV series)

Princess Leia from Star Wars
Jeanette Miller
Roxanne Ritchi
Mary Jane Watson
Lois Lane
Margaret Smith
Judy Hopps
Vanellope von Schweetz
Anna Barnes-Leatherwood
Abby Sciuto
Lucy Wilde
Linda Gunderson
Queen Anna
Amy Rose
Princess Atta
Wendy Testaburger
Emma Goodall
Cindy Vortex
Penny Peterson
Maria Amino
Leah Estrogen
Farrah Fawcett
Ellie Sattler

Honors and awards
Character information
Full name Samantha Gracie Sparks
Other names Sam
Sammy Sam-Sam
Personality Talkative, outgoing, friendly, sweet, perky, brave, competent, extroverted, fun-loving, very smart, likable, shy (sometimes), caring, protective, brilliant, polite, sarcastic, beautiful, fun, easygoing, tough (sometimes), gentle, quirky, bubbly, sisterly, optimistic, a little emotionally hyperactive at times, meek, quiet, a little nervous and tongue-tied, pretty, benign, wise, brainy, insecure (sometimes), very intelligent, short-tempered (occasionally), good-natured, cute, open, honest, intrigued, analytically-minded, rational
Appearance TBA
Goal TBA
Home TBA
Allies Flint Lockwood, Brent McHale, Steve the Monkey, Officer Earl, Manny, Calvin Devereaux, Tim Lockwood, Barb
Enemies Mayor Shelbourne, Chester V
Likes Flint and his inventions, her friends, burgers, her job, Jell-O, Doppler Radar Turbo 2000
Dislikes Her friends and Flint in danger, Peanuts (as she is allergic to it), arrogance, selfishness, bad weather, villains, sardines, panda bears, being bullied
Powers and abilities
Parents Unnamed parents
Other relatives
Partner(s) Flint Lockwood (boyfriend)
Fate TBA
Quote “When I was a girl, I had glasses, I wore my hair in a ponytail, and I was totally obsessed with weather. Other girls wanted a Barbie, I wanted a Doppler Radar Turbo 2000. All the other kids made fun of me. They kept teasing me with this lame song. I mean, it wasn't even clever.”
"Jell-O is my favorite?"

Samantha "Sam" Gracie Sparks is a news reporter and Flint's love interest in the Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs film series.


Sam has big teal eyes and her shoulder-length blonde hair is held loose for part of the first movie. For the rest of the first movie, she has large glasses and a ponytail held by a jello scrunchie. She usually appears wearing a pink tank-top, a blue jacket, pants, and belt for most of the first movie. Near the end of the first movie, she wears a white tank-top. When she gets touched by the peanut brittle, her arm and whole face swelled up. In the sequel, Sam wears a loose ponytail, pink unbuttoned shirt tied in a knot at the bottom front with rolled up sleeves, a dark violet tank top underneath, shorts that reach her thigh, beige hiking boots, and socks, which makes her bear a striking resemblance to Ellie Sattler from Jurassic Park, except for the fact that Sam wears glasses.


Sam is friendly, sweet, likable, perky, very beautiful, brave, fun, outgoing, very smart and sometimes shy. When she first started as a weather reporter, she got a little nervous and tongue-tied, but after that she was great on camera. Sam can also be very protective and caring, as she did not want to drop the rope that Flint was holding when she touched the peanut brittle. Sam can sometimes talk a lot, especially when she gets nervous and/or excited, as she talked a lot when she was about to be the weather reporter in Swallow Falls. Alternatively, Sam could get a little emotionally hyperactive at times, but quickly turns meek and quiet when accidentally saying something smart, however she later overcame this after encouragement from Flint. She is considered "a nerd" by Patrick Patrickson when he saw her hair in a ponytail.


Early Life[]

When she was younger, Sam's look included a ponytail and big glasses, and she was called 'a nerd', just like Flint. She also was very fascinated with the science of weather and she was a nerd. While the other girls wanted a Barbie, Sam wanted a Doppler Weather Radar 2000 Turbo. Unfortunately everyone used to taunt her with a lame song. "Four Eyes! Four Eyes! You need glasses to see!" Due to that, Sam got a new look, gave up science, and was never made fun of again.

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs[]

Coming soon!

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2[]

Coming soon!


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Sony Pictures Animation Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Sam Sparks.


  • Sam likes being smart just like Flint.
  • Sam is allergic to peanuts and when a food that has peanuts in them, her face gets swollen and other part of her body that touched the peanut food.